Mata Gujri Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jabalpur(Autonomous)Reaccredited "A+" by NAAC (CGPA 3.51/4)Student Registration Form |
Date :{{Date}} |
Registration No :{{RegistrationNumber}} |
Session :2021-2022 |
Class : {{classname.split("-")[0]}} |
Year/Sem : {{classname.split("-")[1]}} |
Branch : {{classname}} |
Vocational Subject : {{OptionalSubject | titleCase}} |
Compulsory Subjects : {{Subjects}} |
Name |
: {{Student.Firstname}} |
Father/Husband Name |
: {{Student.Father_Firstname}} |
Mother Name |
: {{Student.Mother_Firstname}} |
Date of Birth |
: {{Student.DOB | date:'dd-MMM-yyyy'}} |
Birth Place |
: {{StudentExtra.BirthPlace}} |
Blood Group |
: {{BloodGroupName}} |
Marital Status |
: {{MaritalStatusName | titleCase}} |
Category |
: {{CasteName}} |
Specially Challenged |
: {{StudentExtra.SpeciallyChallenged}} |
Minority Status |
: {{StudentExtra.MinorityStatus}} |
Permenent Address |
: {{Student.Corr_Address_Line1}} |
State |
: {{StateName}} |
District |
: {{DistrictName}} |
Pincde |
: {{StudentExtra.Pincode}} |
Parent Phone No |
: {{StudentExtra.PermMobile}} |
: {{Student.EmailID}} |
Father/Husband Profession |
: {{StudentExtra.FatherHusbandProfession}} |
Total Annual Income |
: {{StudentExtra.AnnualIncome}} |
Local Guardian's |
: {{StudentExtra.GuardianFirstName}} |
Guardian's Address |
: {{StudentExtra.LocalGuardiansAddress}} |
Guardian's Phone No |
: {{StudentExtra.LocalGuardiansPhone}} |
Student Phone No |
: {{Student.Corr_Mobile}} |
Hostel |
: {{ StudentExtra.StudentType_LU_ID=="25" ? "Yes" : "No" }} |
Aadhaar No |
: {{StudentExtra.SUIDAI}} |
Samagra ID |
: {{StudentExtra.SamagraId}} |
Exam passed | Year | Exam Type | Marks Obtained | Total Marks | % | Result | Roll No | Name Of Board/University | School/College Name |
{{stu.ExamPassed}} | {{stu.PassingYear}} | {{stu.ExamType}} | {{stu.MarksObtained}} | {{stu.TotalMarks}} | {{(stu.MarksObtained / stu.TotalMarks)*100 | number:2}} | {{stu.Result}} | {{stu.RollNo}} | {{stu.BoardUniversity}} | {{stu.SchoolCollegeName}} |
Group |
: {{StudentExtra.SubjectGroup}} |
Additional Subject Group |
: {{StudentExtra.AdditionalSubjectGroup}} |
University Enr/Reg No |
: {{StudentExtra.UniversityEnqRegNo}} |
Medium |
: {{MediumName}} |
Any Schollorship |
: {{StudentExtra.AnyScholarship}} |
Extra Curricular Activities |
: {{StudentExtra.ExtraCurricularActivity}} |
Declaration |
1. I hereby declare that above mentioned information is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. |
2. I will duly abide with the rules and regulations of the college. |
Parent Signature | Student Signature |